This first one is made with the very lovey Aviary set and I have matched it up with some of the gorgeous DSP from the Elegant Soiree pack.

This next one is made with the Bliss set teamed up with Very Vanilla, Pink Pirouette and Lap of Luxury DSP.

Now to share some news - I have scored myself a full-time job working school hours (9 to 3) at a Solicitor's office and can't wait to start on Monday. I am so looking forward to having some adult company but will miss the lovely time I have had with my four year old :( Hopefully I will be able to fit in some crafting time somewhere in between working, housework and running kids around. Good luck with that I'm thinking!!!
Will have to get off this computer and spend some time doing a major houseclean so it will all help in preparation for next week. Hopefully I can have things all run like clockwork but time will tell!!
Happy stamping,